Go on a journey of self-remembrance and find what you incarnated to accomplish in this lifetime. Whether it be through studying your Soul Contract or going into your Akashic records, I provide insight into the innermost layer of your soul and the lessons that it wants to learn while navigating the 3D.
Just the Highlights $88
This is a look into only the most influential and significant subconscious programs and numerology in your chart. It is roughly a 3-page synopsis of your Soul Contract compared to the full 25-30 page Soul Contract.
This will give you a taste of what your chart looks like, as well as offer some intuitive guidance in regards to what is next on your soul journey.
Soul Contract Chart $222
This is an in-depth analysis of your Soul Contract Chart, based on your date of birth, explaining different facets of your contract- who you are, your social skills, previous life, what karma you have to clear, scenarios that might play out in your life, your talents, destiny, subconscious programs you are running, paternal/maternal inherited programs, life guidance, and more. (PDF)
The Year Ahead $77
Find out what you can expect in the next year and what energies are present based on the numerology found in your Soul Contract for this year. (PDF)
Love & Compatibility $88
Spirit Guide/
Spirit Baby Messages $88
A channeled message from your spirit guides or spirit babies via email or audio.
For Spirit Guides Messages: Find out who your spirit team is, what they want you to know, how they can help you on your path and whatever other questions you may have for them.
For Spirit Baby Messages: Find out if you have spirit babies in your aura, if any of them want to manifest in the physical, and what messages they have for you before they come through.
Follow-up Call $150
A follow-up to any service you may have had previously.
Soul Package $333
Your Soul Contract Chart PDF as well as a 1-hour Zoom walkthrough of your Soul Contract, providing deeper insight into the meanings behind the programs and karma found in your chart, as well as channeling your spirit team to help guide you on your path.
This is a compatibility reading based off of you and your partner's DOB's. It goes into your karmic contract with your partner, how you show up for each other, what is vital to your financial and emotional well-being, difficulties you may face as a couple, what happens if you do not fulfill your karmic contract, weaknesses as a couple, and more! Also included is an intuitive energy reading of your energy as a couple.